Words of Grace | Psalm 23 | The LORD is my shepherd...

Psalm 23: “The LORD is my shepherd…” (Who He Is)

One of the most astonishing aspects of this verse is often quickly passed over because we move so fast to the primary image of the sheep and the shepherd. We are so drawn to the picture of what God does in shepherding us – that is, making us lie down in green pastures and leading us beside still waters – that we don’t pause long enough at the stunning truth of who is shepherding us – is it the “LORD.”

In the English translation, the word “LORD” is in all capital letters. That’s because it is communicating something important about who God is. The original Hebrew word for LORD is “YAHWEH” which literally means “I Am” or “The One Who Is.” It points to a person of unmatched strength and undescribable power who was, and is, and will always be, yet also stands by your side as your Good Shepherd.

It means that: (1) God is not a genie in a bottle who magically gives you a parking spot, an A on your exam, a promotion at work or a date for this weekend, and then goes back into the bottle after you’re done with him.  (2) God is not a kind, sweet grandpa in the sky who winks at you and chuckles anytime you do something wrong. (3) God is not a busy, absent parent who is never around for you because he is in a meeting all day taking or taking care of the problems of the world. (4) God is not a moral policeman waiting for you to mess up so he can slap you with some kind of divine punishment.

Reflection Questions

So what comes to mind when you think about God?

A.W. Tozer says: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” That’s so true! So what comes to mind when you think about God?

You and I need a God who is both bigger than 100 billion galaxies in the universe, but who can enter into the small details of our flawed and broken lives with the tenderness of a mother and a love as ferocious as Niagara Falls.

Take a moment, and become of God’s presence in your life to mind, right here and right now. The Creator of the Universe, the King of Kings, the Almighty God, our Shelter in the Storm, our Father in heaven, our Groom who awaits His Bride, the church, and our Good Shepherd – He knows you by name, and He is the One who is with you today.

Until next time, may the goodness and mercy of God follow you all the moments of this day!



