What is God's Will for My Life?


Text: James 4:13-17

The will of God is one of the most confusing phrases in the Christian vocabulary. In Scripture God’s will has two sides:

  • God’s will of decree - these have been ordained, will come to pass and thus cannot be thwarted.
  • God’s will of desire. These are what God desires from His people (how things ought to be), thus can be disregarded.

But a third way that Christians talk about God’s will refers to God’s will of direction - specific plan for my life in terms of who, what, where, when and how.

Christians are desperate to find God’s will of direction for several reasons:
  1. We want to genuinely please God, and agonize over which decision will be most pleasing to God. 
  2. We falsely believe that following God’s will of direction will bring fulfillment, success and satisfaction. The irony? You will find more fulfillment in life the moment you stop trying to find fulfillment in life.
  3. We’re too afraid to make a decision. We want assurance that God will provide safety and protection from setbacks and troubles if we make a particular decision. 

How do we know God’s will? God’s will is not a maze, or a bullseye on a target, or a choose-your-own-adventure novel. Therefore, biblical decision-making is not, “Let go, and let God”; rather, it is, “Trust God and get going!” God doesn’t care where you go to school, or where you live or what job you take. God certainly cares about these decisions insofar as He cares for you , and every detail of your life. But in another sense, these are not the most important issues to God.



