Learning to Hear God

Hearing God in Scripture
“Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself.” - Luke 24:27

“Christians read the Bible not as a document from history but as a world into which they enter so that God may meet them there.” - Rowan Williams

Nothing God says in any other way (dreams, visions, people, circumstances) will ever override, undermine or contradict what he has already said in the Scriptures. We see Christ’s commitment to biblical authority and exposition on the road to Emmaus.

1. Jesus looked to Scripture as the source of authority.
People measure truth subjectively - relative to their own experience
Experiences are important, and emotions matter BUT Scripture is always the final arbiter of authority and truth.

Ex: Emmaus: powerful experience and a personal encounter with Jesus were insufficient to disciples until it was accompanied by biblical explanation. Sometimes God speaks supernaturally, but the most important and consistent way God speaks is perhaps the least dramatic - through His Word.

Reading Scripture in Context:  But how do we make sense of the Bible?  Often the reason why people don’t read it is because it’s confusing….old…or they don’t understand. It's very long, very old, and takes place in a very different cultural context than ours.  Context changes everything!
The Bible is not a fortune cookie, a scientific journal, or a book that will specifically address every social/political/economical/environmental issue that we face today, but it is a story.  A true story. A story that changes us when we engage.

2. Jesus interpreted Scripture through the lens of his own life, death, and resurrection.
Read the Bible with our heads to understand God’s story.  Want an easy 'in' to reading scripture? START in John. Or check out resources like The Bible Recap book, Listen during a walk or drive with the YouVersion App or check out The Bible Project on YouTube. We have so many resources that easily give us access to scripture.  But here is a warning: head knowledge about scripture doesn’t necessarily transfer to the heart.

We have to read the Bible with our head AND heart to experience God’s voice. Some resources that can help with developing a heart for God's word: The Jesus Book Story Bible, Emotionally-Healthy Spirituality Day-by-Day or the Devotional App.

Scripture is one of the most powerful tools for hearing God speak directly to our hearts (“our hearts were burning within us” as they said on the Emmaus road) and has remarkable power to speak directly and personally into our lives. 



