Facility Remodel
Grace Ann Arbor Facility
Remodel & Expansion
On Sunday, January 2nd, our lead pastor, Sung Kim, shared a message online and at all three of our locations introducing the word BLESS as our new word for Grace in 2022. Sung reminded us that we are blessed by God to bless others! Additionally, that same day at our in person worship service in Ann Arbor, Sung shared some exciting news about significant steps we are taking as a congregation we hope will bless our city in 2022. If you did not worship with us in person in Ann Arbor on January 2nd, I encourage you to listen to the audio recording of Sung’s message here.
Here is a brief summary of the main details from Sung’s message:
You are probably wondering: Where are we going to meet on Sunday mornings? We are hopeful we will be able to worship in our sanctuary and offer GraceKids in some capacity throughout the majority of the construction project, which is estimated to take 4-5 months.
Here is how you can help us right now.
1. We need your prayers for this “Beyond†vision and facility renovation project.
2. We need you to be as intentional as you have ever been about living out our core values of worship, community, and mission.
3. If you have any boxes or storage bins you can donate as we move most of our furnishings and belongings into storage, please drop them off to the office this coming Sunday morning or next week Monday—Thursday from 9:00 am—4:00 pm.
4. Finally, on Sunday, January 30th, immediately following the 11:00 am service, we plan to move all items into an on-site storage space. If you can help us that afternoon, email Jillian at jcampbell@gracechurch.city .
As we prayerfully step into this exciting season of life as a congregation, let’s also be mindful of the awesome responsibility that accompanies it, and let’s commit ourselves both personally and together as a church community to help see God’s vision for Grace become our reality.
Moving forward in faith,
Jon Beyer
Ann Arbor Location Pastor
Here is a brief summary of the main details from Sung’s message:
- In the Fall of 2019, we introduced a generosity initiative called “Beyond†where we cast vision for Grace Churches to reach beyond the four walls of our church buildings and connect with our communities more than ever before.
- A key component of this vision was to secure a new facility for Grace Ann Arbor where we would gather as a church, but that would also provide a communal space for our neighbors and our city.
- After 2.5 years of searching unsuccessfully for a new facility to purchase, we have signed a long-term lease both for our present location and the unit next door to us.
- Starting in early February (yes, less than two weeks) we plan to begin a major renovation of our space (enlarged lobby, new restrooms, renovated space for children and youth, sanctuary improvements, new kitchen, and new office space).
- We envision our space also as a community center and are exploring ideas (such as quality day care, co-worker and conference space, after school programming, counseling center, concerts, training center for marketplace leaders, etc.).
- We are excited about new stories we will hear and lives that will be changed as we turn outward in love to our community and welcome them into our communal space.
You are probably wondering: Where are we going to meet on Sunday mornings? We are hopeful we will be able to worship in our sanctuary and offer GraceKids in some capacity throughout the majority of the construction project, which is estimated to take 4-5 months.
Here is how you can help us right now.
1. We need your prayers for this “Beyond†vision and facility renovation project.
2. We need you to be as intentional as you have ever been about living out our core values of worship, community, and mission.
3. If you have any boxes or storage bins you can donate as we move most of our furnishings and belongings into storage, please drop them off to the office this coming Sunday morning or next week Monday—Thursday from 9:00 am—4:00 pm.
4. Finally, on Sunday, January 30th, immediately following the 11:00 am service, we plan to move all items into an on-site storage space. If you can help us that afternoon, email Jillian at jcampbell@gracechurch.city .
As we prayerfully step into this exciting season of life as a congregation, let’s also be mindful of the awesome responsibility that accompanies it, and let’s commit ourselves both personally and together as a church community to help see God’s vision for Grace become our reality.
Moving forward in faith,
Jon Beyer
Ann Arbor Location Pastor
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