Giving Tuesday is November 28th
This year we’ve received a $20,000 matching grant to double any gifts made on Giving Tuesday. We’ll direct all Giving Tuesday gifts along with the matching amount towards Hesed Community Church in Detroit to underwrite a warming center and provide continuing support in our partnership with them.
Imagine being so cold that it feels like you might lose your fingers or toes? Bone chilling, core-temperature-dropping cold....brrrrr! All you want in that moment is a warm blanket by a fire, perhaps some hot tea or cocoa. Now imagine inviting someone in from that cold, providing that much needed warmth and relief. That’s our opportunity this year on Giving Tuesday.
Hesed Community Church provides practical help, spiritual direction and neighborhood development in the Brightmoor and Morningside neighborhoods of Detroit. Your gifts on Giving Tuesday, Tuesday, November 28th , will be matched dollar for dollar up to $20,000 and given to Hesed’s ministry.
Imagine being so cold that it feels like you might lose your fingers or toes? Bone chilling, core-temperature-dropping cold....brrrrr! All you want in that moment is a warm blanket by a fire, perhaps some hot tea or cocoa. Now imagine inviting someone in from that cold, providing that much needed warmth and relief. That’s our opportunity this year on Giving Tuesday.
Hesed Community Church provides practical help, spiritual direction and neighborhood development in the Brightmoor and Morningside neighborhoods of Detroit. Your gifts on Giving Tuesday, Tuesday, November 28th , will be matched dollar for dollar up to $20,000 and given to Hesed’s ministry.
Posted in american spirituality, Ann Arbor, christian church, christian churches near me, church Ann Arbor, church in canton, church university of Michigan, churches in Ann Arbor, bible, Grace Ann Arbor, Grace Ann Arbor North, Grace Ann Arbor West, reformed church Ann Arbor, Grace Canton, Grace Churches, GraceNews, community Groups, churches that serve, Hesed Community Church, service
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