October 20, 2021
Ephesians 3
Pastor Zach Stamp encouraged us to read through the book of Ephesians this week as a response to his message on the sacred way of scripture. So after you have read Ephesians 3 this morning, take a minute to prayerfully reflect on one or two of the questions below. If you haven’t read chapters 1 and 2, don’t let that stop you from trying to read the rest of the book of Ephesians this week. Start this morning!
Pastor Zach Stamp encouraged us to read through the book of Ephesians this week as a response to his message on the sacred way of scripture. So after you have read Ephesians 3 this morning, take a minute to prayerfully reflect on one or two of the questions below. If you haven’t read chapters 1 and 2, don’t let that stop you from trying to read the rest of the book of Ephesians this week. Start this morning!
- Paul says that the mystery of God’s grace includes Jews and Gentiles alike. It’s a revolutionary message of inclusivity. Who is God challenging you to see as deserving of His love and mercy?
- Paul considers himself a humble servant with a lofty mission: to communicate God’s message to the Gentiles and to the rulers and authorities. What requires both humility and boldness in your life? Is that a place where God is calling you to be on mission?
- Paul approaches God with “freedom and confidence.” He uses that freedom to pray for the Ephesians. Who in your life needs prayer? What does a confident prayer for them sound like? Take time to pray for them with freedom and confidence.
- Paul says God is able to do more than we can ask or even imagine. What do you imagine God could do in your life? What would it mean if that was only the beginning of what he wanted to do in you and through you? Sit in that feeling and ask God to expand the horizons of possibility for you.
Posted in Pocket Devotions
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